A great amount of time has been spent mounting new and cool gadgets, and now a directly proportionate amount of energy is being spent finding another method to charge all our electronic gadgets.
A man from Kenya has just come forward with his invention, a device comprised of an unbelievably thin chip of crystals that can really create control as the sole of the shoe is flexed. This power can be stored for later utilize, or charge your devices through a thin flexible wire from your shoe to your pocket, all while you walk, run, or jog.
Anthony Matua, the gentleman responsible for this amazing idea tells us that this chip can be inserted inside the sole of any shoe, with the exception of bathroom slippers, and evidently you don’t have to worry which shoes you choose as your “charging” pair as these crystals can also be moved from one pair to another.
So as you walk, you generate stress and in turn, that pressure produces energy, so it looks as though in the future you may be able to just keep on chatting, as you are able to keep on walking. The device has been original and it looks like it may be put to enter the market at a very reasonable cost value.
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