‘Aakash’ the cheapest tablet had launched by government of India. It has many drawbacks, so government decided to rectify all those problems and improved version of tablet will be launch at the same price.
The Telecom and HRD Minister Kapil Sibal said that the Datawind, manufacturer of Aakash will not be linked with it anymore and government has linked with C-DAC and ITI for further development of tablet. He told that he agree the Datawind products has some problem and he was going to ensure that product is fully indigenous and originally an Indian product.
He also told that the new table will be sell at same price as the earlier product. Aakash-II will be launch within this year. Government also welcomes manufacturer from Indian market for development of the tablet. I think it’s a wonderful if there is competition, because increasing manufacturer competition that will give a quality product to the children.
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