Reliance has launched Latest CDMA 7-inch Tablet which runs on Android 2.3(Gingerbread). Reliance told that this CDMA tablet can support 22 circle of CDMA network over 1000 towns in the country. The device is price at Rs. 12,999.
It has 512 MB RAM, supports micro SD card, weighs just 397 grams and 2MP rear camera. But its design is same as old device that Reliance launched last year.
Actually the last few months tablet market rate had changed; such as price cut of blackberry playbook, the basic model is selling for Rs. 15,000 at online stores. Reliance is the only company that introduces the country’s first CDMA tab. After that reliance modifies its configuration and launches its new tab. It is another step to carry forward our mission of wire-free India.
Reliance told that the new tablet is pre-loaded with fifteen famous applications to provide information such as browsing, navigation maps and search, communication services ( email, blog, SMS, and MMS), entertainment services (music, video, and games), and social networking services ( Facebook ,twitter). Additionally, access to thousands of applications is provided through the Android Market.
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