More than half of U.S. adults say equipment has made it easier to spend
money, while only three out of 100 say tech has complete it easier for them to
save, according to a survey conducted for the American organization of CPAs by
Harris Interactive.
The survey of just over 1,000 people establish that those who pledge to
digital services fritter about $166 a month on cable, Internet access,
cell-phone service, and digital subscriptions, joint. That is the comparable of
roughly 17 percent of their monthly rent or mortgage payment. And those persons
who download songs, apps, and so on spend another $38 per month, on average.
Also from the review, 37 percent of respondents said they supposed that equipment
makes it easier to both spend and save.
Considering the economy's tepid recovery, it's still imperative for many
of us to keep expenditure in check. With that in mind, take a look at our counsel
to help you save, with six shopping apps that can turn your smart phone into a reserves
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