Samsung has launched its first dual SIM Smartphone’s in India called as Galaxy Ace Duos(SCH-i589), Galaxy Y Pro Duos(GT B5512) and Galaxy Y Duos (GT-S6102). They also enhanced its feature phone dual sim with the launch of Samsung Champ Deluxe Duos (C3312) and Star 3 Duos (GT-S522).
Mr. Ranjit Yadav, Country Head of Samsung India told that due to increasing demand of Dual SIM smart phones, we have launched and it enables the mobile users to connect with social network in anytime or anywhere and with DUAL SIM phones users can separate their personal life from their professional life. He also said that the Samsung is working for creating a new feature in Smartphone mobiles and within short period we will achieve that. We also hopes to increase our market value in the Smartphone market in India.
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